I closed my eyes and I had a dream, Idealized a world without machines 🤖 (lyrics and music by Nik List)

Machine intelligence is artificial
Machine emotions are superficial
They’re all rational, unstable, replaceable
Certainly not spiritual
And they call themselves sustainable
Machines are bred
They might seem human, but it’s all fake
They died, they’re clinically dead
Yet, somehow, still morbidly awake
They say each machine is unique
But I meet the same version every fucking week
I’ve heard them before they speak
They’re stuck on repeat
So I pull the curtain and press delete
8 billion bloody monkeys
Misplaced in infinite space
Think somebody out there gives a fuck about
The future of the human race?
I’m not better than the rest
I just see through the mess
You find these opinions extreme?
Sweetheart, your mind’s dead, you’re a machine
I drew a chair to the middle of nowhere
Sat there to think this through
What to do? Who to sue?
This broken affair needs more than glue
You call this a utopia?
You got myopia?
I’ll show ya a full dismal digital dystopia
Wowee! It’s the zombie holocaust!
A tsunami, coast to coast!
Quick, a post, a selfie hashtag ‘planet roast’
Honey, time to butter your toast
But mommy, it’s too hot to eat toast
Yeah, well, what did you expect, kiddo?
Thought there would be AC in hell?
I closed my eyes and I had a dream,
Idealized a world without machines
One where conformity would die,
And real humans would finally rise
Then I woke up, opened my eyes and saw
One thousand monkeys with machine guns
Counted the jolly selfie-shooting donkeys and the
Crowds of junkies stuffing digital drugs down their lungs
I’m not frantic
I shout to not blow my brain out
The titanic is sinking
Time to start drinking
The future is in the ashtray
Don’t panic
There wasn’t much left to live for anyway
To quote Henry Miller
Most of the young whom I have met
Give one the impression of being somewhat demented
Why shouldn’t they?
They are living amidst spiritual gorillas
Living with food and drink maniacs, success-mongers,
Gadget innovators, publicity hounds
If I were a young person today
if I were faced with a world such as we have created
I would blow my brains out
This is our eulogy for humanity
Humans received a gift but sank the ship
Stupid conformity killed all human creativity
Humans spent their lives on screens
Seeking social validation from other machines
Dimwits commodified compassion as a fashion
The more followers they made, the more skin they displayed
Democracies were merely oligarchies run by corporate lobbies
Art was commodified as content
Empty entertainment of the machines, by the machines, for the machines
Escapism kept mother fuckers distracted
Tribalism kept them divided
That’s humanity’s gory story
The depraved couldn’t be saved
Pride is what led these bitches to their grave